All posts tagged 2014

2 Posts

Blood Donation Event 2014

For Samaritans and people who wish to be one, here your chance in saving a life. Segi College Penang is organizing a Blood Poster_Blood Donation - Copy (3)Donation Event with collaboration with Penang Adventist Hospital. The event is held in Segi Space, parallel to the main college building from 9am to 4pm on 10th of July 2014 (Thursday). The event is open to public. The purpose of this event is to collect blood to save other lives in need and at the same time, to give and create awareness of blood donation to the public. After all. There is no better deed than saving an innocent live. So call out to your family, friends and colleagues and donate blood and make the event successful. Blood donor’s are given goodie bags, a official certificate of appreciation and a specially created bookmark from both Penang Adventist Hospital and Segi College


Relay For Life

 Relay for Life is an annual fund raising and awareness event held in Penang Youth  Park since 2005.  This event is  done by National Cancer Society with the  collaboration with Penang Hospice Home. It is a two day event and this year is from 14th(Sat) to 15th(Sun) June 2014. The event starts at 6pm on 14th June 2014 and ends 10am  15th June 2014. A lot of fun-filling games and activities will be held throughout both days. The stellar event of the relay is the Luminaria where participants will walk in the midnight with candle light and pray for a moment for the ones who have lost their fight against cancer. The registration fee is RM20 and the participant will receive a Relay 10th anniversary purple t-shirt , Relay For Life Penang 2014 pamphlet ,Key Messages about cancer pamphlet and a super-cool bookmark to Fight Cancer Together. For more details…please visit
